Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dermatology Acne treatment

From teenagers and adults, to women and men, everybody suffer from acne problem. Acne is not only a skin problem, but can often turn into a psychological hang-up. Treatments range from topical to oral, depending on the extent of the condition.
Acne is moderate when pimples (blackheads , whitehead, and comedones) cover approximately half of the face. If you have moderate acne, consult a dermatologist in order to quickly get a handle on your situation. Although acne can be very depressing for those that suffer from it, doctors say that most acne is completely treatable.
When acne is severe, the symptoms will be very obvious to the individual suffering from it. Pimples and zits become deep, inflamed and cyst-like. Usually a lot of scarring and damage to the skin occurs, causing feelings of sadness and depression. Remember though that you can find acne treatment and, as much as possible, should be sought before the acne has reached this level.
Dermatologists will use very aggressive treatments to try to prevent the progression of severe acne. They will try to stop it in its tracks while at the same time, work to prevent permanent scarring. Oral antibiotics and medications such as accutane, may be used at this stage as well as drainage techniques and surgical incision, also known as Acne Surgery.
Other acne treatments such as injections of corticosteroids can be used. This is primarily used to melt cysts over a period of a few days. The acne therapy chosen by your determatologist will be matched to the severity of the condition affecting your skin.

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